Children learn about God's world using Bright Beginnings, a unique curriculum where age appropriate activities will introduce children to a wide variety of early learning concepts. Zoo-phonics and Learning Without Tears are taught in the 4 year old classes.
3 year olds- 2 day classes
4 year olds- 2 or 3 day classes
4 year olds- 2 or 3 day classes
Learning Center
Care for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
Early Childhood Part-Time Care For Preschool children on the days that they are not in school. A special time of enrichment including:
Early Childhood Part-Time Care For Preschool children on the days that they are not in school. A special time of enrichment including:
- Bible stories
- Science and music activities
- Literature activities
- Indoor and outdoor play
- Caring, Christian, certified staff
Before and After School Care
Our licensed center is open from 6:15 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. School age children can participate in supervised activities and enjoy breakfast before boarding buses to school. After school, children share in snack time, homework, and supervised indoor and outdoor activity choices.
Summer Care
Summer Care will include a variety of themes, crafts, and physical activities and will be adapted to the ages of the children involved. We will also be tending a "snack garden" this summer! Summer Care will be available from June 11 through August 31, excluding July 4.